Foreword: “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do this”. The Late Dr. Ronald Edmonds
This organization, adopting this as a mandate, recognizes that many schools in our neighborhoods are Inadequately educating our children. While we cannot change the culture of the schools, we do believe the application of sound strategic planning and the development of a better sense of community, can change the culture of the people. By offering the African-American and Caribbean communities viable solutions that socialize students, parents, families, and community, we purport our community will be better able to compete and achieve in this evolving technological society. The organization accomplishes its mission through Committees, the foundation of which is Education.

Education Committee
The committee works toward academic empowerment – curriculum development, standardized testing, high school graduation requirements, instructional supports, tutoring, and test preparation. It fosters help to parents in the transitioning of their child’s advancement from the lower grades to middle school, middle school to high school, and provides advisory help in the college admissions process. A primary concern of this committee is to spotlight the importance of literacy, leadership, community service, and scholarships.
Spearheaded by: Hon. Ernestine Washington

Hon. Ernestine Washington

Politics Committee
Neither the organization nor the committee is involved in endorsements of candidates or political parties. The goal of the politics committee is to educate the public on civics and issues relevant to the community and addressing the role they have in our daily lives. The committee fosters the development, support, and collaboration with community based organizations, governmental agencies, business, and education stakeholders. Various projects and initiatives are provided that can impact voter education, joining a parent association, school leadership team, and/or pursuing election to a local school board. Spearheaded by: Shirley Phipps

Shirley Phipps

Culture Committee
This committee focuses on African Heritage, its significance, struggle, and legacy. An historical and structured approach is implemented to enhance knowledge about the African-American and Caribbean communities. The committee is encouraged to outreach to schools, universities, museums, and cultural entities to inculcate teaching and learning. The committee is encouraged to sponsor cultural excursions around the city, state, and country, as well as, sponsor trips abroad. Various activities are suggested to support this committee’s work which can promote a greater appreciation of cultural awareness and diversity of all people.

Fundraising/Planning Committee
The fundraising/planning committee facilitates successful outcomes that greatly benefit projects and initiatives. The committee has a great time planning fun-filled events that supporters can enjoy while helping AACEAINC meet expenses. Moreover, it works closely with the community and culminates beneficial resources and excellent public relations, while handily lending its support and collaboration on educational, cultural, political, scholarship dinner and gala events.
Spearheaded by: Aura Moody and Jeany Persaud

Aura Moody, Co-Chair

Jeany Persaud, Co-Chair

Scholarship Committee
The committee is composed of the core team, who are the name holder honorees and board members, AACEAINC supporters, community, and specialists in the areas of our scholarships – Aviation/Math and Science, Nursing/Health Science and Medicine, and Library Science/ English Language Arts. Criteria for membership is based on interest and commitment to academic excellence as well as the following factors: Integrity, dependability, willingness to take on additional tasks, good verbal, oral, and interpersonal skills.
Spearheaded by: Harriett Diaz

Harriett Diaz