Message from President

Rosalind O’Neal

“Unity through strength”

Dear Friends and Supporters,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the AACEAINC website.
We are deeply grateful to our supporters and continue to play a role in moving thoughts to action.
With the help and encouragement of wonderful volunteers we move ever onward with productivity,
confidence, and successful outcomes. Please navigate the pages, learn more about us and the work
we are doing.
As we celebrate our 28th year of service, we look forward to your being a part of our
momentum and continued growth. You will find AACEAINC a friendly place to share ideas
and make a difference.
Rosalind O’Neal
President /CEO

The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
Sojourner Truth Award

Top 40 in 40 Award-Dowling College

Distinguised Education Leaadership Award at the Unitted Nations
The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.

Community Service Award National Association of University Women
Presented by Dr. Lenora R. Gall, President
Video hightlight.

Community Achievement Award
You Can Go To College Committee

Friends and Supporters Surprise President
September 19, 2022 – Silver Anniversary Year